Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Late for EG1413 exam

How does it feel like to wake up and find yourself one hour late for a two hour paper? Well, I am a "lucky" one to experience the adrenaline of the rushing and puffing and stressing and pulling hair and everything that is not so pretty.

Well, the night before, I had set my alarm clock to 7.30 AM with the full confidence that it would ring. Well, it didn't. So I slept on and on until I felt the bed was a little too warm for me to settle in. So I open my eyes and looked at the clock. The visual impulse shot into my brain and registered 8.42 am. It's okay to have 18 minutes to prepare. Test is at 9 and the venue of examination is but 5 minutes away.

Wait, why isn't there a double "O" stacked on one another to form the typical eight we see? somehow the left part of the lower "O" has chipped off to resemble yet another number I am very familiar with. It is a lucky number for those born in the Dragon year since a dragon has 81 scales, which is the square of the that number.

Oh no, it's 9.42am! I was seriously late, so late that I was already crying in my heart. 10 minutes later i was already at the exam venue furiously flipping the examination paper for the question and reading through the text I was supposed to critique on. The examiner refused to give me extra time so I had to make do with whatever I have, which was approximately one hour.

There I was, scribbling away as fast as I could. At 11 am, when the examiniation was supposed to end, I have completed 780 words with citations. I submitted the paper, went back to my room and started blogging, which is what I am supposed to do now.

All the time, the breath was short, the forehead was creasing, the heart was pumping and the adrenaline, yes that damn thing that is supposed to trigger your survival instinct, was seeping through every blood vessel in my body. Thank god I didn't sweat; otherwise, my exam sheet would be smudged beyond recognition with all the sodium chloride-charged fluid issuing from my face.

At least I finished the paper though. That is what I care about first. I'm happy that I'm given a chance to do what is best under such circumstance. Fate is kind sometimes.

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