Friday, May 2, 2008

First Day as A Relief Teacher

Here I am, sitting in the cubicle-dominated staffroom of SAJC and bending the limit of professional ethics by indulging in blogging at workplace. How interesting!

Anyway, here is a little background on my job scope:

Sitting in for every JC1 chemistry lecture (if you call that work!)

Tutoring several JC1 classes which I refuse to name.

Aiding in some administrative work including paper marking (paper marking suddenly sounds like a clerical work).

Attending Chemistry tutor meetings every Wednesday and Thursday.

Helping out in the administrative matters relating to Science Fair.

Doing other menial tasks that are thrown upon me ad hoc.

Pretending to be professional while my inner self is quivering at the sight of tutors and students alike since I am not of the “professional clan” (frankly, this is by far the most difficult!).

Anyway, I am grateful to end up relief-teaching in SAJC than in any other school. I am familiar with the environment, system and people. I know my whereabout on the first day itself since it is impossible for an ex-Saint to lose his orientation in the sprawling labyrinth of the school compound.

Sitting in for two tutorials and invilating a mock test is truly an eye-opening experience since they have revealed to me a different perspective of the school, from the vantage point of the teachers of course. Frankly speaking, you are in a classroom wearing an attire that is so totally different from your students and screaming at the top of the lungs just to pull the strings of their attention to me.

Another point worthy of mention involves my observation of the chemistry tutors. Apart from teaching the same subject, they appear to be highly interested in the same thing: fashion. There is always an impeccable sense of style which underlies their conversation (like one teacher saying, “Oh, I went to Zara the other day and had a mini shopping spree” only to be joined in by another teacher who claimed, “Ikea has so many nice furniture, so irresistable to buy!).

Hah, first day at work as a teacher is not bad. At least, I have done well in avoiding stupid mistakes that would have betrayed my childishness.

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