Wednesday, May 7, 2008


It has been a relatively long time since I have updated my blog -actually, it had only been four days since something was put up on my blog but the duration felt like a lifetime of a sage, if not longer to an incessant person who simply cannot keep his thought within the confine of his brain.

Anyway, I can only attribute my four-day absence from blogging activity to the enormous workload and lengthy hour demanded of my current job, though it sounds ironic since teachers are perceived to have among the shortest working hours and may leave school when lessons end. To give a clearer picture of the current state of affair, I left school only at 6.30pm yesterday hence clinching a personal record of 11 working hours as a teacher.

As always, I'm currently at work. Given the multitude of interruption that a poor relief teacher can get, there is little time to commit uninterruptedly to producing a coherent mindpiece. Always about time.

1 comment:

Kevin Chan said...

tell you what, promote my upcoming series on yr blog by posting this pic and putting up a link to my blog in the post.

Hope you enjoy - what women want!

yeah and good work with yr blog! Relief teaching rocks my socks la! :D