Three hours ago, I had just downloaded the programme required for the Biochemistry Short-Answer Assignment and it took me a dreadfully long two hours period just to complete the assignment. That aside, the programme is really fun to use since you can turn, twist, shade and do all sorts of manipulative things on a protein model. Moreover, the longest "short-answer" is 5 words long so the assignment name is undisputably appropriate after all.
For more information, the protein in question is a chicken lysozyme which is found in the chicken egg we eat all too frequently. The complexity of the molecule is astounding given the myriad of intricate bondings and linkages that "mould" an otherwise random assemblage of linear chain in a oval-shaped structure. Adding to that, it is even more amazing to see how human ingenuity has managed to unravel the mystery behind the workings of the enzyme. All that has to be done is to insert a certain molecule into the active site of the lysozyme (the part responsible for chemical reaction) in such a way that the two molecules are permanently locked in that way. It is as though time "freezes", allowing scientist to study the nature and mechanism of the active site and hence attain useful knowledge regarding the biological processes occuring in the chicken egg we take for granted. So "chim" a revelation in a seemingly unremarkable thing...

Didn't know there is such thing in a chicken egg...
Reeling back from the digression, I have only two major assignments ahead of me. The 5000-9000 Physics assignment is crawling almost imperceptibly since I have only managed to produce 1500 words out of the verbosity with which my friends have consciously, willingly, and enjoyably characterised me. In project work, I am the slacker...I admit, haha!
That's all for now from the rambling thoughts of Ryan Hee. Adios.
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