Thursday, June 26, 2008

Nothing to say

Yesterday was slightly more interesting in this period of mental and physical hiatus now that I belong to the class of the unemployed. I paid a visit to the National Library again, where I was able to build a steady pace of progress in my research. What I read from the reference books was astounding - do you know that Southeast Asia was intermittently "drowned" for several times before it emerged as the geographical landscape as we see it today? This allowed marine sedimentation to occur, without which the rich reserve of petroleum underlying part of Malaysia would not have formed. In that case, our country would have a less affluent post-independence history and no Petronas Twin Tower to brag about as the various economic developments in our country were very much dependent on the investment generated by oil revenue. In hindsight, it is interesting to see how subtle non-anthropogenic activity in the distant past could have such profound impact on the fortune of a country.

Speaking of research, I'd better rev up and go full throttle into digging for information, writing the content of my paper and and putting some aesthetic features such as colourful pictures as well as snippet of easily-digestible information in the fancy so-called info-box. Although I have covered quite a lot yesterday, completion of the entire project is still distant beyond sight. Now, what am I doing here, wasting time by blogging? Got to go!

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